Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Single nation, single board - Is it something worthwhile to strive for

Mr. Kapil Sibal has made repeated attempts at simplifying the schools' education system in India. His latest bid is to have a single curriculum for all students in India and have a single entrance exam for all colleges. The end format should be similar to the SAT system in the US.

The details of the plan can be found here. In essence, Mr. Sibal wants to simplify the range of exams a 17-year old has to take in order to get an admit; and more importantly wants to reduce the role played by the choice of education board in standard XI. Some states like Tamil Nadu have a new method of selecting candidates for engineering every three years (First it was board marks alone, then TNPCEE, then it back to board marks alone). Mr. Sibal wants to simplify this process and make sure that students are not at the mercy of some jokers in the education department in each state.

There will of course be endless debate on how a country as diverse as India can have only one board, and whether this type of central interference on local colleges is warranted. That entire debate is needless nonsense. Mr. Sibal, whatever his other faults may be, has come up with a beautiful way of simplifying life for 17-year olds and this should be lauded. These diversity-seeking jokers will never understand that whether you study Tamil in CBSE or state board, you are still learning Tamil. Hats off to Mr. Sibal, for trying to simplify things. Hopefully, he will get somewhere. It is definitely something worth striving for.

aieee.be - an IIT, IIM alumni venture
Weekday Crash Course for AIEEE 2010 starts March 25, 2010

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